

Během let poskytování služeb autoservisu každý člen našeho týmu vybrousil své schopnosti a získal zkušenosti s opravami automobilů. Je to naše milovaná práce a přirozeně nás všechny baví! Určitě si objednejte naše služby, pokud chcete aby Váš vůz byl vždy v perfektním stavu!


Oprava Vašeho Vozu

There are very few things worse than getting into an accident and damaging either the car’s body or the car’s parts… That is why we’re always on

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Our custom car paint services consist of primer, basecoat of color and/or effects and clearcoat. Our paint jobs can range from simply using 1 main color, all the

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Mytí Vozu

Just as it goes by default in the industry, our classic standard body washing includes few vital stages, with all of them ensuring a clean car in the end!

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When we’re talking auto-detailing, one of the most important parts of this car-care service is the surface waxing. This ensures that the surface…

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Oprava klíčů a zámků

Having your keys getting broken is always a hardly expected and a stressful situation. It does not matter whether the transponder chip in the key isn’t…

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Opravy motorů

While most of the crew members we have are also handy when it comes to bike repair, some of our specialists dedicated their time solely to fixing…

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While many car owners love to restyle and upgrade the hardware of their vehicles, they’re not even close to the degree of customization…

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Should your car ever get involved in an unfortunate accident and be stuck, we’ll always be ready to come to your aid and save the day!

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